René Magritte | Surrealist Painter

René Magritte | Surrealist Painter

The 20th Century Surrealist Painter René Magritte, is one of my favorite artists. I particularly like the Surrealist movement because each person brings their own psychology to bear when interpreting the paintings. Enjoy!

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Wangechi Mutu | Kenyan Artist

Wangechi Mutu | Kenyan Artist

My Dirty Little Heaven is an ambitious exhibit by Kenyan-born, New York based artist Wangechi Mutu. Chosen as the 2010 Artist of the Year, Mutu's installation is the first show in the Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin Museum selected on the recommendation of the Deutsche Bank Global Art Advisory Council. Mutu's portfolio of work explores the objectification of women in the entertainment and advertisement industries. In a recent interview, Mutu recounted how the impetus for creating My Dirty Little Heaven resulted from as a dearth of realistic portrayals of women in the media. This was particularly evidenced by the images that adorned the covers of magazines, movies, commercials, etc. in which rarely if ever could she find herself or any other women. Within the African-American spectrum the issue was even more skewed and pervasively misogynistic. Women are portrayed as prostitutes, mannequins or props to make male entertainers appear more virile, thus diminishing them both.

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Ellsworth Kelly

Ellsworth Kelly is a 21st century American artist. The simplicity of the image sums up humanities' eternal quest for understanding. Perfectly sublime. This artist, like Mark Rothko, who is another favorite, was part of the color field painting and the minimalist school.

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