Women Seeking Safety Encounter Abuse in Syrian Refugee Camps


Michael Ransom, Senior CorrespondentLast Modified: 00:33 a.m. DST, 10 April 2014

Syria Bedouin Woman, Photo by Marc VeraartDAMASCUS, Syria – By every metric, the Syrian countryside is a war zone. Suburbs are subject to aerial attacks and corner stores have become foxhole retreats from city gunfights. The death toll now exceeds 150,000 lives. Massacres waged by Syrian troops and rebel forces alike continue to raise questions about the legitimacy of either side's agenda. All the while, ordinary people either defend their community or seek stability in a less contentious Syrian locale or border country.

Amidst the chaos, the international community places bets on either the Syrian Army or various rebel collectives. The United States, Russia and Iran make high-stakes wagers in the form of assault rifles, chemical weaponry and large-scale explosives. Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are also seated around this international card table. Given the current political landscape and the violations of basic human rights by the establishment and the rebellion, global efforts to arm either side are a gamble indeed.

One thing is certain. With increased weaponry provisions, a commensurate level of unfathomable bloodletting has followed throughout major cities like Damascus, Homs, Aleppo and Latakia. The widespread violence and continued threat of biological warfare has been a powerful impetus for Syrian migration to more stable nations. Over two million nationals have escaped the perimeter of their home country, while millions more try to cope in the crossfire. There, they face the reality of suicide bombers and large-scale attacks carried out by both factions.

Lebanon has been the principle destination for those people fleeing the ongoing turf war. To date, over one million Syrians have claimed refugee status in Lebanon, a staggering influx for a nation numbering less than five million before civil war broke in Syria three years ago. Thousands more seek safety in the Mediterranean nation every day. Lebanon has been a gracious host to Syrians seeking asylum, forgoing required permit fees upon entry and allowing their neighbors to live outside of designated treatment centers and refugee shelters.

Syrian migrants exercise this right, but not without adversity. Women are particularly affected by sexual abuse following their relocation. Human Rights Watch reports that female refugees are subject to improper advances and verbal abuse on a regular basis while living in their makeshift communities in Lebanon. Perpetrators range from employers to volunteers from religious institutions, according to HRW. The actual scope of abuses remains unknown, as many victims presumably have outstanding residency payments or have little faith in the criminal justice system. Assailants continue to act in the shadows of fear and silence.

For many of these women, leaving home meant a better life for themselves and their children. Rape is used in Syrian warfare as a tool of power and coercion against men, women and children indiscriminately. While President Bashar al-Assad and top leaders of various opposition forces have not openly condoned sexual assault of the enemy, the act is permissible and never punished internally. Externally, retaliatory rape is not uncommon. In a society where rape is taboo, victims are hushed and assaults go unreported. But anecdotal evidence confirms the disturbing and rampant nature of the mistreatment.

Journalist Lauren Wolfe directs The Women Under Siege project and discusses abuse against Syrian women in her feature Syria Has a Massive Rape Crisis. Wolfe cites a report from Ya Libnan news website in which a member of the Syrian Army was commanded to rape teenagers in late 2012. The girls were later slaughtered. Similarly, Wolfe describes a young rebel soldier who was arrested by Syrian forces. During his imprisonment, the man was forced to watch while Syrian security raped his fiancée, sisters, mother and other female acquaintances. Belligerents in both camps resort to these barbaric measures.

The mass-exodus of Syrians will continue so long as lawlessness persists. Massacres such as August's Ghouta chemical attack on civilians and the execution of 51 loyalist prisoners in July have only added fuel to vehicles of hate and violence. While the United States is heavily invested in the success of the rebellion, the White House now knows that many of these renegades are affiliated with al-Qaeda and other terror organizations. If history repeats itself, these weapons may be trained at their supplying nation in the future.

If the efforts of the States involved more non-lethal aid, certainly the people of the world would be grateful. The need for the increased protection of women is self-evident. When better mechanisms to report and convict perpetrators of sexual abuse are established in refugee camps, these facilities will truly be places of refuge.

Follow Michael on Twitter Twitter: @nahmias_report Senior Correspondent: @MAndrewRansom

The Latest Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria


Jessamy Nichols, Africa CorrespondentLast Modified: 03:01 a.m. DST, 24 August 2013

Syrian Chemical Weapons, Photo by Jerusalem Prayer TeamGHOUTA REGION, Syria - President Assad's regime took violent attacks to a newly horrendous level as it has been reported that their latest chemical weapons attack killed over a thousand people.

It has been reported several times thus far that chemical weapons may have been used, and without serious enough sanctions or interventions, the Syrian government has chosen to move forward with their chemical weapon tactics.

These attacks reportedly took place in the Ghouta region which is east of Damascus, and mainly targeted women and children. Graphic pictures and videos continue to surface that display the atrocities and damage, but Syrian government representatives persistently release statements denying the accusations.

The disheartening reports coming out of the war-torn country have yet to subside and are unlikely to cease until the international community takes serious steps towards halting Assad's complete control over the country. Although Obama has threatened that a line would be crossed if Syria made use of chemical weapons and continued their widespread human rights violations, credible actions have yet to be taken.

In an effort to get more reliable information, the UN sent in chemical weapons investigators three days ago to investigate the situation and death tolls. Because none of the major global powers are looking to get involved unilaterally, they seem to be waiting on this investigation and its findings before taking serious action. Pending incriminating findings, members of the UN's Security Council are giving the impression that they would only intervene as a unit, instead of taking the risk on independently.

Regardless of the method the UN would potentially choose to stop the civil war in Syria, it is due time that it is halted. Time after time, bystanders say that they will never let genocide happen again, yet conflicts like the one in Syria rage on for months before anyone decides to step in. Chemical weapons are just one of the torturous instruments that Assad and his regime are employing, and the international community should be mindful of this before it can go any further.

Follow Jessamy on Twitter Twitter: @nahmias_report Africa Correspondent: @JessamyNichols