Lost in the Machine | Metropolis

We must not define ourselves by freedom from religion, from abuse, from rape, from derision. From societal norms, from conformance, from acceptable compliance. From race, from the accident of geographical happenstance of birth or of life whether lived extraordinarily or pedestrian, with unsung aplomb, or within the rarefied strata of the new minted pantheon of 'celebrity' deities.

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Lady Gaga | The Movie 'Brazil'

Lady Gaga | The Movie 'Brazil'

Lady Gaga is an interesting phenomena whose theatrical and satirical music videos offer an insightful commentary on and parody of America's wanton sexuality, consumerism and self-absorbed showmanship. Even the ambiguity of her sex and sexuality contribute to effectiveness of her appeal as an extraordinarily marketable performance artist. As a consequence of several comments from readers, it should be noted that this critique of Lady Gaga is limited to the video "Paparazzi," as I am unfamiliar with the rest of her work.

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