Gender Based Violence, a Covid Lockdown Nightmare

Gender Based Violence, a Covid Lockdown Nightmare

COVID-19 has halted and radically change the world in so many ways. While the world learns to adapt to a new normal, it is still ignoring one crucial group and its passivity has led to what some are calling, "a shadow pandemic." The forgotten group is women and girls, the underground pandemic is increased rates of gender-based violence (GBV) worldwide. The increase of GBV during global health emergencies is not a new phenomenon, similar spikes were seen during Zika and Ebola, epidemics primarily concentrated on the African continent. However, this is not a continental issue; increases in calls to domestic violence hotlines have increased in Europe, Latin America, and the United States as well.

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Covid-19 Wreaks Havoc on Mental Health and Suicide Rate (Copy)

Covid-19 Wreaks Havoc on Mental Health and Suicide Rate (Copy)

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many nations to their knees. In its short tenure, it has killed hundreds of thousands of people, has halted the world economy, and has even made its way into the locked doors of millions of quarantined homes, wreaking havoc on mental health. No matter where you are in the world, the fear of the virus is real, and it is affecting how we go about our daily lives. People who aren’t normally used to worrying about their mental health are experiencing the effects of isolation, social distancing, quarantine, and the changing laws that force us to wear face masks and distance ourselves from others.

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