A Motivational Tool for Personal Growth

A Motivational Tool for Personal Growth

In a time of pandemic when death is ever present, it is a good idea for us to remember that life is neither as bad as we think, and can be so much better than we have hoped. If we have not lost any loved ones to Covid-19 we can count ourselves among the blessed. But, we must also be grateful for the choice to determine how best we cope in these days and times, how we would like to design our lives post quarantine to enjoy every minute, every breath, and every relationship.

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Welfare, a State of Connectedness

Welfare, a State of Connectedness

So it is with our lives. Those who choose to live in peace must help their neighbors to live in peace. Those who choose to live well must help others to live well, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others to find happiness, for the welfare of each, is bound up with the welfare of all.

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Planning for Retirement or Heaven?

Planning for Retirement or Heaven?

Planning for retirement is challenging under the best of circumstances. Procrastination is the primary culprit, second only to our unwavering belief that there will always be another tomorrow. Confronting the possibility of our own mortality is perhaps one of the most difficult mental exercises we may engage in during our lifetime. Even as our parent predecease us, and sometimes friends and acquaintances, we fail to plan for a future in which we will no longer be in this world. The hereafter is a matter of faith, belief, or perspective, but as in life, there is a certain amount of planning that must go into it. Planning for retirement or heaven.

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